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Contributing and future plans

👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍

When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue or github discussions.

How is the project organized


The project (keyboard) is divided into 4 modules: common, jvm, linuxX64, and mingwX64.

The commonMain is where all the public interfaces and classes are defined and almost everything about it is documented in the under the Usages section and there's a commonTest module where you can find a few more examples, etc)

The JVM one is implemented through JNI which requies Docker to build cross-platform the shared libraries. The implementation of K/Native and K/JVM are same.

LinuxX64 is implemented utilizing the XLib and XInput2, and linked dynamically (no need to install any headers for build). There is a plan to use the /dev/uinput or /dev/input/eventX devices as a fallback, see #6.

And lastly, MingwX64 is done through Win32 API.

Future Plans

Following are the future plans for the project:

  • Migrate to dynamic library linking for linux (using dlopen/dlsym/dlclose from Posix API), see #1 for more details. on this commit.
  • Create gradle task in to generate JNI headers for Kotlin external functions. Possibly by putting the task between compile-task and jar packaging task. References: Kotlin replacement for javah , How to solve missing javah in Java 10 – ugly way
  • Implement way to cross compile the C/C++ library from any OS to any OS and then package it up in the resulting Jar. Done with PR #4.
  • Implement JNI each for different platforms. I've considered it to do via C++ instead of reusing Kotlin/Native because it will result in low performance and maybe huge sizes (if K/N becomes stable and performance wise equivalent we can directly reuse the sources we've written).
  • Add Linux Device (/dev/uinput | /dev/input/xxx) based implementation of interaction of Keyboard/Mouse as a fallback when X11 is not present (after resolving #1).
  • Implement Mouse API in similar way keyboard is implemented.

Testing and building

To build and publish to mavenLocal: $ ./gradlew build publishToMavenLocal

The only requirement is to install Docker when building for JVM & JS due to cross-compilation requirement of JNI & NApi native libs.

If you ever get clock gets skewed (and Makefile get modified in the future) at the time of compilation of C++ sources, please restart the docker from the system tray.