91.02 Awesome Resources
Here are some of my favourite resources I really appreciate to learn or quickly switch technologies.
Generic Ones
- GoalKicker - Free Programming Books - Short notes compiled from StackOverflow.
- Learn X in Y Minutes - community-driven one-pager documentation for any language / tool.
- Hackernews - Couldn't go wrong this time.
- wiki.nikiv.dev - Everyday collection of various topics with explicitly selective link collection, in-and-out of tech.
- Blogs listed in my Awesome Projects page.
- roadmap.sh - The community driven widely-accepted developer roadmaps.
- TealDeer - Simplified, example based and community-driven man pages.
Specific Ones
- How Shadcn/ui actually works - Not just limited to shadcn, but complete css knowledge in order to design beautiful UIs.
- ziishaned/learn-regex - Learn regex the easy way.
- regex101.com - Easily create & test regex patterns with multiple language implementations.
- Basic Git Concepts
- My blog - Stuffs used all the time
- Advanced Git tools - reflog/gc/bisect/worktree
- OhShitGit - Your rescue to git if you messed it all up!
- CP Algorithms - CP Algorithms explained in details with different variations.
- The Algorithms - Clean implmentation of every algorithm in all the languages.
- Different Database Paradigms - Fireship.io (YouTube).
- Things every developer absolutely, positively needs to know about database indexing - Kai Sassnowski (YouTube).
- What, Why and How to use Redis as your primary database (YouTube) - How to use redis to replace your relational, graph, search, document databases and how to scale.
- Linux Basics & CLI Tutorial and/or Linux Command Cheatsheet
- ExplainShell.com - Explains the command(s) and their flags, along with meta-characters in the bash.
- ArchWiki & GentooWiki & VoidDocs - Setup / troubleshoot almost anything.
- Linux Kernel Labs - Guided way to learn about linux kernel with practical examples.
- Elixir Cross Referencer - Extremely fast linux and other core utilities source code explorer with tag switching and other features.
- Rust Cookbook - A collection of simple examples that demonstrate good practices to accomplish common programming tasks, using the crates of the Rust ecosystem.
- The UX Mini Course - From https://cubicle6.com, summarises his 20 years of UX experience.
- [HN] Ask HN: How can I improve UI dev skills? Looking for real-world examples.
System Design
- Grokking System Design - Short notes on system design concepts.